Articles on: Analytics

Google Analytics


Simplebooklet's analytics give you solid insight into the impact your work is having. You can use Google Analytics to augment this service and connect it to any tracking you are already doing for your other web presences. Google Analytics basic services are free. If you don't already have an account configured, you can start here.

Available on all plans.


Once you have created or located your existing Google Analytics ID, you can send the information your Simplebooklet gathers to your Google Analytics profile. You can use the Tracking ID or the Measurement ID from your Google Analytics account.

Step-by-Step Guide

Create or Locate your Google ID's

Tracking ID
Once you are logged in to your Google Analytics account, click on the Google Analytics logo up the top left. Your Tracking ID (for example, UA-123456-12) should be visible on the first page you see in the light grey text. Paste this into the field in this integration card.

Measurement ID
If you're working with a Google Analytics 4 property, you have a Measurement ID instead of a Tracking ID. A Measurement ID uses the format G-XXXXXXX, and identifies the data stream sending data to your Google Analytics 4 property. In Admin, select the desired account and property. In the Property column, click Data Streams, then click your web data stream. Your “G-” Measurement ID appears in the upper right portion of the panel.

Apply your Google Analytics ID can be applied to all of your Simplebooklets with the following steps:

- From your "Dashboard", click "Integrations" in the left hand column.
- Ciick "Google Analytics".
- Enter your Google Analytics ID in the space provided.
- Click "Set".

Or, apply unique Google Analytics IDs to each individual Simplebooklet from the analytics tab.

- On your "Dashboard", find the Simplebooklet you want to track.
- Click its "Analyze" button.
- Click the "Google Analytics" button in the top right of the "Analytics" page.
- Enter your Google Analytics ID in the space provided.
- Click "Set".

Follow all of your activity at

Updated on: 18/10/2022

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