Articles on: Design

Engage - Collection



Activating the Collection feature on your Simplebooklet allows you to display more Simplebooklets from your account.

Available on all paid plans.


You can add a button that will take your customer to your collection immediately on your Simplebooklet. Instead of having to rely on sharing a link directly to your customers, you can have the option available as a button for your customers to access at their convenience. It's a great way to promote multiple Simplebooklets related to your business all at once at their reading pace.

Step-by-Step Guide

Below is a walkthrough showing you how to display your collection from your navbar.

Log into your Simplebooklet DASHBOARD.

Locate the Simplebooklet you would like to edit and click on the DESIGN button, which appears as a painter's palette.
Design Tab

Click the Engage Tab icon in the toolbar on the left.
Engage Tab

Toggle on the Collection feature.

Click the edit pencil icon button beside Collection

Tap on the dropdown menu under Select the gallery you want to display.

Choose the collection you want to display by tapping it.

Once you're finished, click Done.
A collection symbol should appear in your navbar header.

You've successfully added your Simplebooklet as part of a collection!

Updated on: 23/07/2024

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