Articles on: Reports

How To Track Followers

How To Track Followers


​Track and review followers in your Simplebooklet.

Available on Basic, Pro, and Business plans.


The Followers section shows you who’s consistently interested in your content. By tracking follower activity, you can gain insights into your dedicated audience, understand their preferences, and create tailored experiences that encourage loyalty and long-term engagement.

Step By Step Guide

1.30 minute video

Below is a walkthrough on how to track Followers in your Simplebooklet.

Open your DASHBOARD and scroll to the Simplebooklet you want to review.

Simplebooklet Dashboard

Tap the Reports button for that Simplebooklet.

Reports Button

Select the Followers option from the menu on the left side.

Followers Button

At the top of the page, set the Date Range to focus on a specific time period.

Date Range

Review the All Followers section to see everyone who is currently following your Simplebooklet.

All Followers Section

Review the Follower Activity Feed to see detailed information about your followers, including their username, follow date, the number of times they've opened your Simplebooklet, their last open date, location, and the device they used

Follower Activity Feed

Updated on: 04/12/2024

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