Articles on: Design

Navigation Bar - How To Select A Style, Change Your Header and Footer

How To Select A Navbar Layout Style, Change Your Header and Footer


The layout of your navbar is the appearance of the menus that surround your Simplebooklet. The header is part of the navigation elements on the presentation of your Simplebooklet. It appears along the top of your screen and can display your logo, calls to action, and navigation aids for your Simplebooklet. You can customize the color of the buttons, the header background color, and the fonts used in the buttons.

Available on all plans.


By having several layout options available to our users, you'll have your pick as to which one would suit your Simplebooklet best. Every layout is unique, and can be used to further optimize the content inside the microsite. Depending on the layout you choose, it can make the overall appearance of your microsite better accompany your booklet, make navigating the contents of your Simplebooklet easier and communicate information far more efficiently.

The header appears consistently across the presentation of your Simplebooklet, no matter what page your reader is currently on. Its a quick and convenient way for your reader to navigate and reach out to your business. It also builds confidence in your content when you add your business logo and select a color palette that matches your overall presentation.

Step-by-Step Guide

Below is a walkthrough talking about how to change the layout of your navbars.

How To Select A Navbar Layout Style

Open your Simplebooklet in the DESIGN tab.

Click on the Presentation Tab and then click on the pencil icon for Navigation Bars.

In the first tab called Style, you can select from a number of new layout options:
Top Navigation
Bottom Navigation

After selecting the layout, your navbars should immediately change to reflect your decision.
Once you've made your decision leave the dropdown menu.

You've successfully altered the layout of your navbars!

How To Change Your Header Style

Open your Simplebooklet in the DESIGN tab.

Click on the Presentation Tab and then click on the pencil icon for Navigation Bars.

Click on the second tab called Header, at the bottom of the modal, and customize from a number of new layout options:
Font - choose your font family from the dropdown menu.
Color - click the color slab and select from the color chooser your desired button shade.
Background - click the color slab and select from the color chooser your desired header shade.
Header Transparency - click, hold and drag the slider button to alter the transparency of your header shade.

If you are not happy with your header you can click RESET to try again, setting your header back to its default design.

Once you are satisfied with your header, click SAVE at the bottom.

You've successfully altered your header!

Open your Simplebooklet in the DESIGN tab.

Click on the Presentation Tab and then click on the pencil icon for Navigation Bars.

Click on the third tab called Footer, at the bottom of the modal, and customize from a number of new layout options:
Font - choose your font family from the dropdown menu.
Color - click the color slab and select from the color chooser your desired button shade.
Background - click the color slab and select from the color chooser your desired header shade.
Footer Transparency - click, hold and drag the slider button to alter the transparency of your footer shade.

If you are not happy with your footer you can click RESET to try again, setting your footer back to its default design.

Once you are satisfied with your header, click SAVE at the bottom.

You've successfully altered your footer!

Updated on: 14/08/2024

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