Navigation - Opens
Opens displays the total number of views your booklet has accrued in the bottom right hand corner to yourself and your customers.
Available on all plans.
Sharing how many times your booklet has been accessed is just another open policy you can establish with your customers to build more trust in your brand. It shows very clearly to your customers how much interaction your content has received compared with others, and it can quickly inform yourself as well if you were to take a look at your own booklet. It operates on an instant real time notification system, so you can be instantly aware when someone opens your booklet.
Step-by-Step Guide
Below is a walkthrough showing you how to share the view count of your flipbook.
Open your Simplebooklet in the DESIGN tab.
Click the Navigation Tab icon in the toolbar on the left.
Toggle on or off the feature Opens.
Your view counts should appear or disappear on the bottom right hand corner as an eye symbol with the number of opens depending on your actions.
You've successfully customized how your view counts appear on your Simplebooklet!
Updated on: 05/05/2023
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