Page Flip - Page Flip Sound
Page Flip Sound
This help file provides instructions on how to select a desired sound effect from a dropdown menu to accompany the page flip animation.
Available on all plans.
By incorporating sound effects, users can create a more immersive experience for their readers, adding an auditory dimension to the visual transition and enhancing overall user engagement while also providing a unique and personalized touch to their content.
Step-by-Step Guide
Below is a walkthrough showing you how to customize your page flip sounds.
Log into your Simplebooklet DASHBOARD.
Locate the Simplebooklet you would like to edit and click on the CONFIGURE PRESENTATION button, this button will appear as a painter's palette.

Click Page Flip from the left nav bar.

Under Page Flip, click the pencil icon for Page Flip Sound.

Choose your preferred sound from the select dropdown menu.

When you are finished, click Done.
You've successfully updated your page flip sound!
Updated on: 14/08/2024
Thank you!