Articles on: Edit

Add A Button - Reserve



A reserve button is a clickable icon that will direct your users to an address that will accept reservations.

Available on all paid plans.


Reservations are often a critical misstep in many important events, so it can be extremely helpful to have a large, convenient button for your customers to click to reserve themselves a seat, plan, area, or place in an event without any upset or last minute panicking.


Here is a 2 minute long video explaining how you can add a reserve button to your Simplebooklet.

Step-By-Step Guide

Below is a walkthrough showing you how you can add a reserve button to your Simplebooklet.

Click EDIT.

Select Buttons from the toolbar on the left.

Select Reserve.

Paste the reservation webpage URL in the blank space under Reservation Page Address.

Choose how you would like your reservation webpage to be opened:
Open in Lightbox means that the page will open in a popup lightbox overlaying your Simplebooklet (this doesn't work for all website links).
Open in New Tab means that clicking on the reservation button will open the webpage in a new tab.
Open in Current Tab means that when your customer clicks on the button, it will replace your Simplebooklet with the reservation webage on the same tab.

Click SAVE.

Click and drag your button to the position on your page you want the button to appear.

You now have a reservation button on your Simplebooklet!

Updated on: 02/02/2022

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