Embed A Video On Your Page
Embed A Video On Your Page Introduction Add a video directly into the layout of your page. Benefits A video is great for engaging your customer and holding onto their attention longer. This is a huge advantage your digital brochure can have over any printed edition. Walkthrough This is a 2 minute video showing you how to embed a video directly to your page. Step-by-Step Below is aPopularAdd a Hotspot - Weblink
Weblink Introduction Make any area of your page clickable and open a weblink. Benefits Making your page interactive with a clickable element is a great way to keep your customer engaged with your content. It makes any part of your page a call to action and gets your customer to proactively take the next step with your business. You can use a weblink to a reservation page, a blog post, or really to any other link you want to redirect the customer.Some readersAdd A Button - Caption
Caption Introduction A caption button is a clickable icon that can be clicked on to open a caption popup. Benefits Sometimes you can't fit all your text description on your page. You can use a caption button to reveal more text content and provide the in-depth information your customer needs to make decisions. It's a great way to fit in additional information within your brochure with minimal interference on your page layout. Walkthrough Here is aSome readersAdd A Button - Address
Address Introduction A address button is an clickable icon you add to your Simplebooklet that will open the address in Google Maps. Benefits There can be a lot of room for miscommunication when explaining directions, so remove this risk by adding an address button that will show your customers where this address is on Google Maps. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video explaining how you can add a address button to your Simplebooklet.Some readersCustom Code
Custom Code Introduction Many websites allow you to use widgets and embed code to bring their feature to your Simplebooklet page. Use the code tool to add your own code or code from your favorite third party service. Benefits Adding embed code is a great way to add interactive content to your pages, especially from third party websites that have very useful content you want to share with your customers. It keeps your customers on your Simplebooklet so ySome readersAdd A Button - File Download
File Download Introduction A file download button is a clickable icon that holds downloadable content for your customers. This can be a file, image, or even a video that they can download to their device. Benefits Making it easy for your customer to download an additional file from your Simplebooklet is a great way to drive engagement with your organization. Its a quick and convenient way for getting additional information into the hands of your customeSome readersNew Page
New Page Introduction Found in the PAGES menu, the new page tool allows you to insert a new page before any current page you are on in your Simplebooklet. You can add a blank page, insert a PDF page, or add a page from Canva or Crello. Benefits Sometimes you want to add new pages to an existing Simplebooklet or simply replace an exsiting page with an updated one. Using the new page tool makes it easy to always keep your Simplebooklet up to date.Some readersStyle A Page Element
Style A Page Element Introduction Page elements, the box that contains content such as images, buttons, videos, text blocks, stickers, and forms, can be styled with borders, backgrounds, and opacity adjustment. Benefits Styling a page element can greatly influence its overall impact on the page. Adding a shadow or border around your page element can draw more attention to a particular image or text box you wish to take priority over others. WalkthSome readersAdd A Button - Phone
Phone Introduction A phone button is a clickable icon that can be clicked on to automatically dial the number you input for your customers to call. Benefits One of the benefits of Simplebooklet is the ability to encourage a customer to engage with your business immediately. Using the telephone button, you'll make it very convenient for your customer to get in touch with you with a single click. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video showing yoSome readersSizing Page Elements
Sizing Page Elements Introduction Page elements such as images, buttons, videos, text blocks, stickers, and forms can be resized. Benefits Resizing a page element is an essential tool in formatting certain page elements such as link hotspots, image and text boxes. This lets you format your content to best fit the layout of your page, and make sure your element is grabbing the most attention. Walkthrough This is a 1 minute video showing you how tSome readersAdd A Link Hotspot - Page Turn
Page Turn Introduction Use a link hotspot to send your customer to a specific page in your Simplebooklet Benefits You can use our link hotspot tool to direct your customer to any page in your Simplebooklet, getting them to relevant content quickly and easily. This makes it more convenient for your customer to navigate your Simplebooklet, and leaves them with a positive impression of your business. Walkthrough Here is a 3 minute video showing youFew readersPage Management - Page Dimensions
Page Dimensions Introduction When it comes to the overall size and shape of your Simplebooklet, it is completely customizable using the page management tool. Benefits If you feel as though your Simplebooklet is too large or small, you can immediately alter it without having to change your original document and re-upload it onto Simplebooklet. Changing the dimension of your booklet means doing so for every single page, so your content remains consistentFew readersAdd A Link Hotspot - Email
Email Introduction Add a clickable hotspot to your page that opens an email form. Benefits Simplebooklet makes it easy for your customer to reach out and get in touch with you. Using our email form opened using a single click means your customer can contact your business quickly and easily. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video showing you how to attach an email to a link hotspot: StepFew readersForm Builder
Form Builder Introduction Create a custom form for your customers to fill out and send the results to your designated email. Benefits Forms are a great way to gather information from your customer. By creating your own form embedded directly on your page, you make it more convenient for your customer. They don't have to leave your Simplebooklet to complete your form. The form builder has the following capabilities: The ability to create multi-Few readersPage Management - Page Order
Page Order Introduction You can change the page order of your Simplebooklet by using our page management tool. Benefits Should the need come for you to restructure your flipbook, by using the page management tool you do not have to lose all of your hard work. Instead, just adjust it to its correct position through Page Order. You do not need to delete any work on your pages or worry about inconsistencies when you can just shift the order of pages wheneveFew readersText
Text Introduction You can add text directly on your Simplebooklet. Benefits Using this available tool, it is extremely easy to add and edit words into your flipbook. Text is a vital aspect of communication, and if you have any points or messages you'd like to get across to your customers, words are the most direct method. You can add text to clarify obscure areas, to direct your customers to click a certain spot, or fill in information you may have negleFew readersButton - Slideshow
Slideshow Introduction A slideshow button is a clickable icon you can place on your page that opens a slideshow over top of your Simplebooklet. Benefits Presenting a slideshow to your customer can really hold their interest and get them to engage with your business without crowding up your Simplebooklet with images. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video showing you how to create a slideshow button: youtube Button - Slideshow (4DqgKn9dnYFew readersPage Management - Delete Pages
Page Management Introduction You can delete pages of your Simplebooklet by using our page management tool. Benefits Mistakes happen, whether that be through creating new pages by accident, duplicating unwanted pages, or simply deciding that you do not need a particular page for whatever reason. It's important to remember that mistakes are not permanent and you can easily delete pages at any given time. Deleting pages through page management is unique inFew readersButton - Custom
Custom Introduction Use the custom button to create your own text labelled button to place on your page and accomplish a specific action (go to a weblink, change pages, open a slideshow, etc) Benefits Custom buttons are great for helping your reader accomplish a specific task. You can label the button with clear information on what the button action will do. Walkthrough Here is a 3 minute long video showing you how to create your own custom buttonFew readersEdit An Existing Link Hotspot
Edit An Existing Hotspot Introduction A hotspot is a clickable area you can put on your page that activates certain features when opened. You can update a hotspot at anytime. Benefits A great benefit of having a digital version of your marketing and communications collateral is the ability to update the content at anytime. You'll be able to update your hotspots with new information (a new phone number, a new email address, a new weblink) and it will beFew readersAdd An Image To Your Page
Add A Image Introduction you can upload an image from your computer or select an image from our royalty free image library to add to any page of your Simplebooklet. Images can be resized and manipulated like any other element on your page using the actions and style toolbars when the image is selected. Images can be added onto your page or displayed through a button or hotspot. Benefits Enhancing your page content with images is a great way to engage yoFew readersAnimate A Page Element
Animate A Page Element Introduction Page elements such as images, buttons, videos, text blocks, stickers, and forms can be animated. Benefits Animating a page element is a fantastic way for you to grab the attention of your customer as they look at your page. Walkthrough This is a 3 minute video showing you how to animate a page element. Step-by-Step Below is a walkthrough showing you how tFew readersAdd a Link Hotspot - Telephone
Telephone Introduction Make any area of your page clickable and bring up your telephone number that the customer can click to call you. Benefits One of the benefits of Simplebooklet is the ability to encourage a customer to engage with your business immediately. Using the telephone link hotspot, you'll make it very convenient for your customer to get in touch with you with a single click. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video showing you howFew readersPage Management - Duplicate Pages
Duplicate Pages Introduction You can duplicate select pages of your Simplebooklet by using our page management tool. Benefits Duplicating pages can be extremely helpful if you are consistently making the same content on your pages with little to no differences. Working from a base to make small changes is significantly easier than starting from scratch, and it can also save you valuable time. Walkthrough Here is a 1 minute long video showing you hFew readersAdd A Link Hotspot - Video
Video Introduction A video link hotspot is a clickable area you can put on your page that when your customer clicks on it, will open a video in a fullscreen lightbox over top of your Simplebooklet page. Benefits Videos are a great way to enhance the content on your Simplebooklet page and keep your customer interested in your story. Walkthrough This is a 3 minute video showing you how to add a video to your Simplebooklet using a link hotspot. youtube Add A Link HotspotFew readersAdd A Button - Reserve
Reserve Introduction A reserve button is a clickable icon that will direct your users to an address that will accept reservations. Benefits Reservations are often a critical misstep in many important events, so it can be extremely helpful to have a large, convenient button for your customers to click to reserve themselves a seat, plan, area, or place in an event without any upset or last minute panicking. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute longFew readersButton - Email
Email Introduction A button is a clickable icon that opens an email contact form as a popup window over top of your Simplebooklet. You can set the email address that receives the completed contact form. Benefits The email button is a great way to make it fast and convenient for a customer to reach out and contact you with any questions they may have. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video showing you how to create a email button: youtubFew readersAdd A Royalty Free Video
Add A Royalty Free Video Introduction Add a video from our royalty free video library to your Simplebooklet page. Benefits Videos are a great way to bring your page to life. Using a context relevant video from our video library can capture your customer's attention and keep them focused on your Simplebooklet's content without the hassle of having to find or create your own video. Walkthrough Here is a 3 minute long video showing you how to embed aFew readersButton - Share
Share Introduction A share button is an clickable button you add to your Simplebooklet that will immediately open a list of options through which your customers can share your Simplebooklet. The sharing button creates a rich, image based post to social networks and email to make the shared link more enticing to open. Benefits Using your customer to reach more people in their network is a great way to increase the awareness of your product or serviceFew readersForm Template
Form Template Introduction You can use our predesigned form blocks to add a form onto any Simplebooklet page. These form blocks only require you to add the email of the person you want to receive the form results. Benefits Predesigned forms are a quick and easy solution to add calls to action for your customers. Your form can be easily integrated into your page and drive engagement from your customer. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long videoFew readersButton - Website
Website Introduction A button is a clickable icon that can direct your customer to a web link. Benefits One of the biggest goals of Simplebooklet is to get your customer to take the next step and engage with your business. A website button makes it very simple for your customer to be directed to any page on your website. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video showing you how to create a website button: youtube Button - Website (5ErLDMNB9Few readersButton - Image
Image Introduction A button is a clickable icon that opens an image over top of your Simplebooklet. Benefits Sometimes you want to show more content than can fit on your page. A great way to do this is to add a clickable button that launches an image in it's own lightbox. This provides the reader with additional content with your Simplebooklet without disturbing the existing layout. Walkthrough Here is a 3 minute long video showing you how to creaFew readersAdd A Button - Buy
Buy Introduction A buy button is an clickable icon you add to your Simplebooklet that will immediately open a webpage for your product. Benefits Using a buy button is a great way to easily direct your customer to the webpage on your ecommerce site where you can buy your product or service. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video explaining how you can add a buy button to your Simplebooklet. StepFew readersStickers
Stickers Introduction We have a library of stickers you can use to place on your page. Stickers can be resized to best fit into your page layout. Stickers can be customized using the style and action tools available to all page elements. Benefits Stickers are a great way to draw your reader's attention to a specific part of your page. Using actions like animation, you can make your stickers appear and disappear to capture more of your customer's attentiFew readersAdd A Button - Video
Video Introduction A video button is an icon button you add to your Simplebooklet that can open up a video on your page in a fullscreen lightbox. Benefits A video is one of the most effective ways to capture and hold your customer's attention. Enhancing your page with a video button can increase the effectiveness of your communication. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video explaining how you can add a video button to your Simplebooklet.Few readersLayering Page Elements
Layering Page Elements Introduction Page elements such as images, buttons, videos, text blocks, stickers, and forms can be layered on top or under one another. Benefits Layering page elements is an easy way to prioritize or hide page elements on your page without having to delete content on your page or paste them in the order you want them to appear. Walkthrough This is a 1 minute video showing you how to layer page elements. youtube LayerFew readersAdd A Hotspot - Caption
Caption Introduction Make any area of your page open a caption popup when tapped. Benefits Sometimes you can't fit all your text description on your page. You can use the caption link hotspot tool to reveal more text content and provide the information your customer needs to make decisions. It's a great way to provide additional information in your brochure without interfering with your current page layout. Walkthrough Here is a 3 minute long videFew readersPage Guides
Page Guides Introduction Page guides are shortcuts to editing content on your Simplebooklet. Benefits Each page guide performs a different function, but they're all meant to make editing your Simplebooklet easier. Whether thats to immediately add a new page, isolating page elements or shifting them all at once, it's all for the sake of isolating certain parts of a great mass of content into something manageable to be edited. Walkthrough Here is aFew readersAdd A License Free Image
Add A License Free Image Introduction You can add an image from our royalty free stock photography library to your Simplebooklet page. Benefits Images are a great way to make your Simplebooklet more professional and capture your customer's attention. We've teamed up with a royalty free stock photography library to make it easy to find that perfect image that is relevant to your flipbook's content. This gives you the ability to access professionally takenFew readersAdd A License Free Video
Add A License Free Video Introduction You can add a royalty free video directly onto your Simplebooklet page. Benefits Using our library of royalty free videos is a great way to add emotion and engagement in your page content. The motion of video can draw in your reader and keep them focused on your page, especially if the video is helping reinforce the story you are telling. Walkthrough Here is a 2 minute long video showing you how to add a royaFew readersPage Management - Page Color
Page Management Introduction You can change the color of your pages inside your Simplebooklet by using our page management tool. Benefits The standard color for pages are white, but you can change that using our page management tool. By changing the color of your pages without having to reply on imposing an image on each page, it can make editing the contents of your booklet on top of your page much easier. There are many page backgrounds you can chooseFew readersWhat Is A Page Element
What Is A Page Element Introduction Page elements are the building blocks of a Simplebooklet page. Each element can be layered, styled, resized, and animated. Examples of elements on your page are a text block, image, video, sticker, form, code block, and hotspots. The page element is the box that holds your image or text. Benefits By breaking content on your page into page elements, you get the ability to bring those elements to life. You can arrange pFew readersAdd A Link Hotspot - Image
Image Introduction Make any area of your page clickable and open an image in a fullscreen lightbox. Benefits Sometimes you want to show more content than can fit on your page. A great way to do this is to add a clickable link that launches an additional image to appear full screen. This keeps the reader engaged and impressed with your Simplebooklet. Walkthrough Here is a 3 minute long video showing you how to attach an image to a link hotspot: $Some readersAdd A Link Hotspot - Slideshow
Slideshow Introduction Make any area of your page clickable and open a slideshow of images. Benefits Presenting multiple images at once to a customer can really hold their attention and get them to engage with your business. Having your slideshow open over top of your microsite is an additional benefit to formatting your slideshow to open as a link hotspot without crowding up the layout of your Simplebooklet. Walkthrough Here is a 4 minute long viFew readers