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Add a Link Hotspot - Telephone



Make any area of your page clickable and bring up your telephone number that the customer can click to call you.

Available on all plans.


One of the benefits of Simplebooklet is the ability to encourage a customer to engage with your business immediately. Using the telephone link hotspot, you'll make it very convenient for your customer to get in touch with you with a single click.


Here is a 2 minute long video showing you how to attach a phone number to a link hotspot:

Step-by-Step Guide

Below is a walkthrough showing you how to attach a phone number to a link hotspot:

Open your booklet in the EDIT tab to the page you want to add a telephone link hotspot.

Select Hotspot from the toolbar on the left.

Click Choose Your Action.

From the list, select Telephone.

Fill in your phone number in the blank space below.

Once you're done, click SAVE.

The link hotspot will appear in the center of your Simplebooklet as a transparent orange box with a link icon in the middle. The phone link hotspot will be invisible on the published page.

Click and drag to resize and move your image link hotspot to adjust its coverage of the parts of the page you want to be interactive.

You have now added a telephone link hotspot!

Updated on: 02/02/2022

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