Custom Code
Custom Code
Many websites allow you to use widgets and embed code to bring their feature to your Simplebooklet page. Use the code tool to add your own code or code from your favorite third party service.
Available on all plans.
Adding embed code is a great way to add interactive content to your pages, especially from third party websites that have very useful content you want to share with your customers. It keeps your customers on your Simplebooklet so you can keep their focus on what's important.
Here is a 2 minute video showing you how to add code from other platforms unto your Simplebooklet.
Go to the EDIT tab of the Simplebooklet you wish to embed your customized code.
Flip to the page you wish to embed your customized code.
Look to the toolbar on the left and click Code.
Tap Embed/iFrame Code in the menu that appears.
Paste your embedded code in the blank space provided.
Click SAVE.
Your embedded code should appear in the centre of your Simplebooklet. The form it takes will largely depend on what kind of embedded code you have elected to paste in your flipbook. But it should be adjustable:
Click, hold, and drag to move your embedded code.
Click, hold and drag the yellow dot on the bottom right corner to change the size of it.
You've successfully embedded a customized code on your Simplebooklet.
Updated on: 28/01/2022
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