Articles on: Preview

Preview - Upload



Uploading your document as a Simplebooklet automatically directs you to the Preview Tab.

Available on all plans.


Having uploaded your document to become a Simplebooklet, we like to immediately present to you a your converted document. It gives you a great sense of what changes have been made from the perspective of customers on your newly formed microsite.

From your Preview window, you'll have the option to interact with buttons on your righthand side, that can take you anywhere from EDIT back to your DASHBOARD.


Here is a 2 minute video showing you how to get to your preview tab when uploading your document.

Step-by-Step Guide

Below is a walkthrough detailing how to get to your preview tab when uploading your document.


Go to your Dashboard.

Create a Simplebooklet.
This can you be uploading a document or using one of our pre-made layouts.

Give your Simplebooklet a title.

Wait for your booklet go through the conversion process.

After that's done, you should find yourself automatically directed to the Preview window. From here, you have a number of options to progress. You can:
Go to Design - Where you can customize your presentation.
Go to Narrate - Record video or audio narration to accompany your content.
Go to Edit - Add page elements such as link hotspots, stickers and more.
Share Simplebooklet - Using a variety of means through social media and email.
BACK TO DASHBOARD - Takes you back to your dashboard.

You've successfully arrived your preview window and are ready to begin perfecting your booklet!

Updated on: 11/02/2022

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