Introduction To Navigation
Introduction To Navigation
Navbars are the top and bottom bars on the presentation of your Simplebooklet.
Certain features may not be available for publication or customization without a paid plan.
Ultimately, navbars serve to make navigating and providing context for your Simplebooklet much simpler. Each can be customized to only provide what you want to appear for your reader, and styled to match the color and layout of your Simplebooklet presentation. They are useful in building confidence in the content you are sharing.

In the DESIGN TAB, by clicking the navigation tab, you should be directed to a menu that will allow you to toggle on and edit the navigation bar calls to action and Simplebooklet accessibility menus. Below are what is included in the Navigation Tab.
Navigation Options
About - Display a popout that describes your content
Title - Display or hide your title and business name.
Search - So your audience can search your Simplebooklet.
Table of Contents Menu - A customizable table of contents menu available from any page.
Thumbnail Preview - Select page from a preview thumbnail selection list.
Home - A button to take your audience back to your first page.
Page Numbers - Display the current and total number of pages in your Simplebooklet.
Zoom - Allow your reader to zoom in and out on your page.
Fullscreen - A button to open your Simplebooklet fullscreen.
Plain Text Accessibility - Provide a plain text summary of all your pages for screen readers.
Opens - Display how many times your Simplebooklet has been viewed.
Terms Of Service - Link to your own privacy statement and terms of service.
Cookies - Set a cookies notice to appear.
Updated on: 10/05/2023
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