Password Protect A Collection
Password Protect A Collection
With a site lock, you can add an extra level of security to your collection that protects it from any unauthorized visitors.
Available on Pro plans and above.
Having your collection password protected means that it isn't inaccessible, it's only open to users that you've entrusted your passcode to. Depending on the effect you want to create for your customers before they even see your content, a password protected site can seemingly add a tremendous amount of importance to your content.
Here is a 2 minute video showing you how to secure your collection with a passcode.
Step-by-Step Guide
Below is a walkthrough detailing how to secure your collection with a passcode.
You should see a menu in the top left corner of your Dashboard, Click Collections.
Here you can either Edit or + New a new Collection. But either way, you need to be on the Collection Editor.
On the Collection Editor, look to the toolbar on the left and tap Passwords.
On your Passwords tab, first toggle on: Password Protect.
Beneath ADD, create a new username and passcode for your collection, by writing them in their appropriately titled spaces.
When you're done, tap ADD.
Your Collection should immediately be locked, and you can manage your existing passcode(s) under EXISTING PASSWORDS.
Clicking CLEAR ALL removes any and all of your added passcodes.
You can even change existing passcodes by tapping password. When you're done, just tap SAVE.
You've successfully set up a passcode protected Collection!
Updated on: 23/01/2023
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