Replacing or Updating An Adobe Express Design
Replacing or Updating Your Design From Adobe Express
You can update or replace your existing Simplebooklet with the latest version of your Adobe Express design at anytime, directly from within your Adobe Express design. This makes it really easy to update a design you've already created in Simplebooklet with your modified Adobe Express and keep the same URL, embed code and stats in Simplebooklet.
Available on all plans.
3.00 minute video
This is a video showing an Express design updated then exported to Simplebooklet. Youtube markdown code is here:
Step-by-Step Guide
Below is a walkthrough showing you how to update and replace your existing Simplebooklet with new content.
Replace from within Adobe Express only works if the design has already been used to create a Simplebooklet.
Option 1
Open your design in Adobe Express.
Tap the Add On Menu button on the left hand side of your Express Design interface.
Select the Your Add-Ons tab at the top of the Add-Ons menu drawer.
Tap the Simplebooklet Add-On to open the Simplebooklet actions in the right hand drawer.
If this design has already been exported to Simplebooklet, you'll have the option to select to replace the current design or make a new Simplebooklet from this design.
Select replace to update your current simplebooklet made from this design to this latest version of your design. we use the design ID of your Adobe Express design to link it to the same design ID that was used to create the original Simplebooklet
When Adobe Express has completed the Export, you can tap the Open In Simplebooklet button.
If you are not logged into your Simplebooklet account, you'll be asked to log in at this point.
Select if you are keeping the enhancements you previously added to your Simplebooklet (hotspots, buttons, videos, etc) or if you'd like to remove those.
Tap convert.
Your Design will now appear in the preview view so you can verify it converted correctly.
At this point, you can begin enhancing your design presentation in the Simplebooklet tools or immediately start sharing it with your audience.
Option 2
Open your design in Adobe Express.
Tap the Download button in the top right corner of Adobe Express.

Select PDF format, select all pages, then select Download

This will download your Design as a PDF on your computer.
Sign into your Simplebooklet account.
On your dashboard, scroll to the Simplebooklet you'd like to replace.
Tap the replace button in the menu to the right of the Simplebooklet.

Select if you are keeping the enhancements you previously added to your Simplebooklet (hotspots, buttons, videos, etc) or if you'd like to remove those.
Tap Convert
Your updated Simplebooklet is now available for preview.
You've successfully updated and replaced your original Simplebooklet with your new Adobe Express design.
Updated on: 29/01/2024
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