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Update Your Weblink

Update Your Weblink


You can update the weblink domain and subdomain of your Simplebooklet.

Available on all plans.


Your weblink is usually the first thing your customer interacts with when opening your Simplebooklet. Making it informative about the content, memorable, and easy to type will improve the conversion rate of your customer's opening your Simplebooklet.


This is a 1 minute video showing you how to update your weblink.


Below is a walkthrough showing you how to update your weblink.

Go to the Publish Tab of your Simplebooklet.

Click Update Link.

Under New Address is where you'll change the domain of your new weblink. You'll have the option of changing it to:

Directly to the side of New Address is a form with your old subdomain where you can write in your new subdomain.

You'll also have the option to Transfer Custom Address from your other existing Simplebooklets in a dropdown menu. If you have none, this option should not appear.

Click SAVE.

You should be automatically directed back to your Publish Tab with your new weblink underneath the title of your Simplebooklet.

You've successfully updated your weblink!

Updated on: 02/02/2022

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