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Cover And Video

Cover And Video


Download a cover thumbnail image of your Simplebooklet for use in other media. Also download a teaser video of the first 25 pages of your Simplebooklet to use in other platforms.

Available on all plans.


In some platforms, you can't embed a fully functional Simplebooklet. However, with the cover image thumbnail, or teaser video, you can use more standard formats to create a more compelling representation of your Simplebooklet to include with the weblink of your Simplebooklet. This can help capture a customer's attention and get them to click on your Simplebooklet link more often.


Here is a 2 minute video showing you how to save a cover image, animated gif, or video of your Simplebooklet.


Below is a walkthrough showing you how to save a cover image, animated gif, or video of your Simplebooklet.

Open the Publish tab of the flipbook you wish to download a cover or teaser video from.

Beneath Publishing Options you should see a section titled: Cover And Videos.

To download your Simplebooklet as a cover image, tap the picture icon called Cover and Animated GIF.

You should be directed to a new page: Simplebooklet Media Assets. From there, you'll see 4 options available, with previews available once you click on them:
Social Media - This saves your Simplebooklet cover as an image that can be posted to social media, with its dimensions adjusted accordingly.
JPG Image - This saves your Simplebooklet cover as a JPG image.
500px Gif Animation - This saves your Simplebooklet as a 500 pixel gif animation that flips through the first three pages of your flipbook.
200px Gif Animation - This saves your Simplebooklet as a 200 pixel gif animation that flips through the first three pages of your flipbook.

Once you've made your decision, select the option you wish to save and click Download.

To download or upload your Simplebooklet as a video teaser, tap the camera icon called Video Teaser.

You should then be directed to a new page that allows you to customize a video teaser from your flipbook. The editing tools provided are as follows from left to right:

The first thing you'll want to change is the Existing Transition. Click on it and choose from the drop down menu which transition you'd like to use to flip between the pages.

Next, choose how long you'd like the transition periods to be by clicking on 3 Second Pause and selecting the time.

Then you can choose to Include Credits or No Credits.

Finally, you'll want to preview your video teaser by clicking on the START button on the very right.

Once you're satisfied with your video teaser, you can Download or immediately Post To Facebook.

And that's how you make and download your cover image and video teaser!

Updated on: 20/09/2021

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